
17 January 2008

Unnamed Publisher For Canseco? Let Me Guess...

From Publisher's Lunch:

Canseco Moves to Unnamed Publisher; Hires If I Did It Writer

Jose Canseco's strange path to publication continues. Following the resignation of his first co-author, who couldn't figure out how a second book would have anything to say, Berkley withdrew from the project yesterday. Spokesman Craig Burke says it was "by mutual agreement," adding, "after much consideration, we have agreed to part ways due to editorial delays that made it impossible to maintain our original publishing schedule."

Meanwhile, IF I DID IT collaborator Pablo Fenves has joined the project as co-author, while IF I DID IT instigator Bret Saxon says he has "secured another publisher and that the book would come out in time for opening day." But he wouldn't name the publisher.

Hmm..."secured another publisher."

PublishAmerica? :snark, snark, snarkity-snark::

~Nancy Beck


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